Real Estate Roundtable:
Rethinking Capital Gains
1) Understanding 1031 Exchanges (Link)
2) Deferring Taxes Through s 1031 Exchange vs. Qualified Opportunity Funds (Link)
3) Rethinking Capital Gains: A Discussion Framework (Link)
4) Qualifying 1031 Questions & Cash Flow Worksheet (Link)
REW Article
Industry leaders rethink capital gains, examine opportunities
REW January 2, 2019
What are NYC’s real estate power players thinking about these days? Goals for 2019, probably, but also capital gains and Opportunity Zones.
The latter subjects were the focus of a recent breakfast roundtable event, organized by Harry Dublinsky of EisnerAmper and his Collabnet co-founder, investor Mark Pearlman.

Presenter Background Information
Below is the background information on the event presenters.
Dan Rose, (Special Guest)
Rose Associates
Brandon Lacoff, Co-Founder and CEO
Belpointe Capital
Ran Fuchs, (Host)
Cantor Fitzegerald
Brett Messing, President
SkyBridge Capital
Matthew Rappaport, Real Estate Lawyer
Falcon Rappaport
Richard Shapiro, Tax Director
Eisner Amper
Harry Dublinsky, Managing Director
Eisner Amper
Mark Pearlman, Co-Founder